I believe that at the heart of effective acupuncture is the relationship between practitioner and patient and I cannot emphasise this enough - my work with you is collaborative and we will work together to help you feel well again.
— Kerry Rutherford Lic. Ac. MBAcC

about your treatment

Every person is different and the way that you are experiencing your symptoms is unique to you. At your initial appointment I will take a very detailed case history and ask you questions about how your condition began and how it’s impacting your life. We’ll discuss exactly what aspect of your condition you want to focus on.

Your acupuncture treatment with me is completely personalised and individual to you and will always include simple advice about lifestyle, diet and movement.

Just like all medication or therapy, longer lasting and more sustained relief is achieved through a course of treatments of acupuncture, although sometimes it can work very quickly.

Together we’ll discuss a treatment plan and I’ll advise you how many sessions I think you will need in order to see the best results.

photo of kerry rutherford fertility specialist acupuncturist in Hertford UK